Website Redesign

We help you transform your website and digital pressence into a beautiful website with fast load time, search engine friendly, no downtime and it would work flawlessly on all the deivces.


Website Redesign: Fresh Look

A fresh look for your website can improve your digital pressence, gain potential customers and bring your website upto speed with the new techniques used by our designers and programmers. Our strategists will plan the perfect marketing strategy that will help your website convert visitors into customers. Our team will make sure the transfromation from your old to a faster newer design feel as seamless as possible.

Website Redesign: When & Why?

Keeping up with the lastest technology, new SEO needs, new brand standards, fast to load, There are a thousand more reasons why redesigning your website may feel like a need to happen sooner rather than later, but how to know when your website needs a revamp?
Some answers are stated below:-

  • Your website is not mobile responsive and seems old fashioned.
  • Customer visits are low or none, or bounce rate is really high.
  • Your website loads very slow, taking three seconds or more to come up.
  • Competitor's website seems more attractive.
  • You have changed your brand image and the website does not reflect the same.
  • You are unsatisfied with your website, or its unproductive.
  • The content is not properly handling your business needs.


What makes us different ?

Our Designers, programmers, marketing experts come together to transform your web pressence
into an excellent website that is user oriented, search engine friendly and responsive on all devices.


User Oriented Interface & Experience

The visual experience of a website is most important because it is the first impression you leave on your visitors. The website should not only look great it should function better. Our experts make sure the navigations, scroll behavior, functionality and page load speed analysis are done properly at the time of redesign. We focus on your customers and make the redesign easier to operate and smooth in functionality for the best user experience.

Responsive Website Redesign

Google Research Center states that 78% of the users search on their mobiles. Incase they are not able to get information through the mobile site, then they look-up other websites. Here at V Design Wonders, we seamlessly redesign your website that works flawlessly on all devices from desktops to laptops, SmartTvs, tablets and smartphones.

Search Engine Optimization

We make a strategy before redesigning to ensure your ranking and and SEO performance stay intact. This strategy is based on analysing bounce rate, exit pages and page rankings etc. We fill the keywords seamlessly through the content that speaks to your audience.

Update The Content

This is where we update the content to your website and also conduct cross-browser tests as there are many types of operating systems, devices. Our web designers make sure your website runs flawlessly on all devices with all the screen sizes.
